Lets share East Africas’ coffee craft origin stories

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Coffee, next to tea, has become a morning checklist in corporate Kenya and its households alike. 10 years ago there were only a handful of coffee shops within Nairobi and they were strategically placed around the tourist hotspots like airports and major malls. Fast forward to 2022 and the city is now a proud home to hundreds of cafes. 

The primary reason for the surge is part the greater effect of globalization by spreading coffee culture into most world cities and part Kenyans finally realizing that as a top-quality global exporter, Kenyans needed to experience more of their famous produce. 

Good quality coffee and in particular specialty coffee does not come cheap. The process of value addition that culminates in the precision of taste notes and rich aroma in the final cup comes at a cost to the stakeholders. Farmers, processing corporations, roasters, and retailers all bear extra costs for the meticulous process specialty coffee demands. 

Automatic coffee machines, now very popular in Kenya, have brought the final and critical step of value addition to the comfort of workspaces and households. Offices can now have great specialty coffee within their walls without worrying about quality fluctuations. The latest automatic coffee machines like the Jura, Venusta and even Delonghi have been programmed with the latest technology to curate desired espresso ratio that rivals the traditional commercial espresso machines. 

Research has shown coffee to have a direct correlation with workplace productivity and it’s no coincidence that the biggest business decisions are made over a cup of Joe. Having great coffee in-house is an intangible that both reduces staff daily costs on expensive café coffee while also promoting efficiency at work by reducing unnecessary travel in and out of the office. 

Coffee Morans are a lead reseller and service agent for all the leading automatic coffee machines in Nairobi. For your next automatic office coffee machine acquisition, do not worry about your installation, training, and spare parts needs. It’s all locally available through the Coffee Morans. 


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